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Shipping and Handling Policy
Note: We try to get all orders that we receive by 2pm EST (business days only) shipped out the next day. You will receive an email stating that your items were shipped and the tracking number. Note your order will be shipped by the carrier / method of our choice. Note: everything that can be purchased is in stock and ready to deliver.
Our most used shipping carrier for Canada and USA is UPS. Some large or heavy orders, requiring oversized or special shipping boxes, will be shipped by the carrier of our choice. During the Christmas season we try to ship everything the fastest way. If you have questions about our shipping policy, please contact us..
Express Service is available. Just write a note in the comments box when placing your order. We will email you back an Express Shipping Cost Quote – if this is acceptable to you, then we will charge the express cost to your credit card, just let us know. Also note, Shipping is not refundable, even if the package is not delivered on time or the package is lost in transit or is received damaged.
Our shipping fee does not include any duty or custom fees you may be required to pay, those fees are out of our control.
At this time, we do not ship to countries outside of Canada and the US.